Tuesday, June 24, 2008

About Fame

When I started acting, I really wanted to be famous. Big city, bright lights, all those flash bulbs, all the awards. It wasn't the money, although that would have been nice. It was the fame. I didn't want to die with no one knowing who I was.

Is this you? Do you want to become famous someday as a world-class actor? Is your church theatrical adventure just a stepping stone to your Hollywood career? Here are some thoughts that might help you in your quest.

Fame Is Where You Find It
I was famous in high school. Not outside the school, mind you, but everyone inside knew who I was, and had seen or knew about my stage work. I was famous. I was famous in college for my radio work. I wasn't a campus icon, but I was famous at the radio station. I was famous in the voice-over crowd in Hollywood for awhile. Have you heard my voice? Then I'm not that famous! I was famous in the community theater circuit here in Ventura County. I'm famous at my church. The point is that fame comes in many shapes and sizes.

You performance should engender applause and recognition. I'm not sure those two things don't qualify as fame.

Fame is Fleeting
I suffered a stroke while performing in community theater. I went from being an oft-requested actor to a liability in the space of just one Saturday morning. My fame changed from being a great romantic comedian to the guy who had the stroke. I'm not in the least bitter...but it's a great example of how quickly fame can drift away!

You Can Be Anything You Want...
I have a relative who is a rather famous actress. She told me once that you can be anything you want, as long as you are willing to forgo being everything else. In your pursuit of fame, make certain to keep your eyes, and your heart, open for the many opportunities life will bring you.

99.99999999 Percent of All the People Who Ever Lived...
...went to their graves unknown. We live in a age where celebrity is worshipped and idolized. But it is only this age. Think of the uncountable billions of people who have lived and died without their name ever having been written down. If you have appeared on stage, you are light years ahead of them already!
This thought, too, took the pressure off me in my pursuit. The number of famous people is so small, so chimerical, that failing to attain it is not a crime. It's a statistic!

Love the Art
Finally, ultimately, don't pursue acting if you are seeking fame. Pursue acting because it makes you feel alive, because it frees your soul, because it teaches you about yourself and the people around you. Pursue acting because it is an art, and, in performing, you are giving back to the audience. Pursue it because you can create a work of art that lasts only as long as the words are spoken, because God has given you this spectacular gift. Pursue acting because, in that moment when you've connected with the house, and your character's problems weigh heavily in the audience's heart, and you could hear a pin drop in your dramatic pause...in that moment, with the bright lights, and the settling dust, and the audience spellbound, you are famous.

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